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Next Steps

Are we willing to change?

Before churches experience health, revival, and revitalization we must choose to do whatever it takes to adjust our lives to God.


Without Him, we can do nothing.


Without Him, we are nothing.


The challenges before God’s people today cannot be solved by money, education, systems, consultants, pastors, seminars, deacons, remodeling, music…


Only God can bring the change we need.  


Where does God want to effect change…


  • In your life?

  • In your home?

  • In your church?

  • In your community?


Jesus called us to choose.

“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”[i]– Jesus 

[i]The Holy Bible: New International Version(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1984), Lk. 9:23.

what will you choose?

Ultimately, everyone must decide. 


Once we become aware of our calling, the crisis, and the challenge what we do next determines what we believe. To not decide is to decide to accept circumstances and refuse change. 


The call to follow Christ is the beginning of a life worth living. Actively following Jesus each day leads us to opportunities we may have never dreamed. Each choice to submit to His Spirit and follow Him prepares the way for the next step.

What is your next step? 




  • Surrender your life to Christ?

  • Return to active obedience to Christ?

  • Determine to take practical steps to grow in Christ?

  • Reconcile with someone who follows Christ?

  • Connect with someone who needs Christ?




The Lord told Abram to leave his home and simply go to an unknown land. Abram believed and because he believed he chose to obey. 


As a result of choosing to join God in His work God’s promise was fulfilled. God would bless Abram and use him to be a blessing to all peoples on earth.


God called Abram and blessed him so that people from all over the earth would be blessed. You may be certain of this; God has blessed you to use you to be a blessing to all peoples of the earth.




How would the current crisis in our churches have been mitigated and perhaps prevented altogether if God’s people remembered this?


You may wonder, “How am I to bless all peoples?”


Start where you are!


  • Your family

  • Your neighbors

  • Your coworkers

  • Your encounters with new people

  • Your church


In everything, LOVE!


  • Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30)

  • Love those near you as you love yourself (Mark 12:31)




If you are a Christ-follower, choose to intentionally invest in:

  • One person who is also a Christ-follower so you may help them grow and invest in others.

  • One person who is not a Christ-follower so God may use you to influence them to follow Christ.


All for Him!

Above all, choose to do what you can in His strength and for His glory.



We can help!


What is your next step?

why have you been blessed?

blessed to be a blessing


Thank you for reaching out to us!


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