[This post is the second in a series exploring God's plan. The previous post is entitled, "God Has a Plan - and You're In It!" and may be found here.]
"If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." [1]
I think I know something about you.
You are smart. You may even be wise.
How do I know?
Because smart people:
• Are ever learning and growing
• Are teachable and listen well
• Are readers
• Seek the truth
• Avoid hearsay, rumor, and gossip
• Evaluate their lives
• Set wise goals for continued growth
You may be smart, but are you wise? Wise people apply what they learn.
So, if you are seeking to know God's plan and apply what you learn, keep reading.
Have no doubt; God's plan for your life is far and away better than yours.
In our first article of the New Year, I made a bold claim:
In the next few weeks, with God’s help, you will learn the timeless truths and perfect principles necessary to live a full and meaningful life. In other words, if you practice what you learn from God's word, you have God's guarantee the life you live will be full and meaningful, and ultimately everything will work out for good. [2]
Who would dare to guarantee you will live a full and meaningful life and that everything in your life will work out for good?
Such an audacious claim sounds like some of the nutty statements filling the internet these days. What makes this claim different?
This guarantee came from God’s word, the Bible. It is based on Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
If I made this guarantee, you would have every right to laugh.
And if this guarantee were based on the philosophies of man or man-made religions, you could say, “So what! That’s their opinions!”
Instead, the truths and principles did not originate with any man. They came from God. It is God’s guarantee. [3]
To whom is God making this guarantee? Those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. What does this mean?
What does it mean to love God?
Loving God is not proved by feelings, but by obedience. If our love for God is not strong enough to change our lives and cause us to strive to obey Him, then others would have every reason to question the sincerity of our love (John 14:15; 1 Jn. 2:3-6).
How important is it to love God?
Jesus said there is nothing more important than loving God. When people asked Him which commandment is the greatest, He said:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
What does it mean to be “called according to His purpose”?
Being called according to God’s purpose may be understood as believing the gospel or good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is at the center of God’s purpose (Heb. 1:3-4; Acts 4:12). It was His Son through Whom He made it possible for sinful, fallen man (that’s you and me) to have a relationship with Him (Eph. 3:11-12).
When we believe the gospel and turn to love and follow Christ, God accomplishes His purpose of salvation in our lives for His glory and our good. The good news—the gospel—should cause all who believe to be amazed by His grace and worship God in awe and wonder. The gospel is so glorious that even the angels are astonished by it (1 Pt. 1:12 [10-12]).
What are the end results of a life spent loving God and experiencing His purpose?
Short answer: “Good!”
You may ask, “What does God mean by ‘good’”?
Just for the sake of space, rather than begin a never-ending attempt to describe all the good that comes from God, let’s simply say whatever God determines to be good, will be ours.
“Wait! That’s too vague,” you say.
Considering the One who made this promise, “good” is enough.
Remember, the One making this promise is the eternal, all-powerful, holy God who loves you so much He gave His one and only Son, so if you believe, you will not perish.
All God does is good!
You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees (Ps. 119:68).
The person who loves God and is called according to His purpose has the assurance that throughout their life, God is working for their good.
Because of Who He is, God has the power and authority to guarantee these results to those who are in His purpose.
To be clear, not everything in life will be good, but for those of us who are in His purpose, God is continually working out everything for our good.
I suspect that most of us have our own plans and ask God to make them successful. Don't you think it is rather presumptuous for us to ask God to put His endorsement on our plans?
We may use all of our experiences, education, evaluations, and take advice from friends, family, and advisers, yet still not have a plan that is better than God's. Too often, we tend to follow our own ways until everything falls apart, and then turn to God and ask Him to "bless our mess"!
I like what John Powell said,
I have to find my place in God's plans, rather than make my own little plans and then ask God to support them: "Come on, God, give me an A in this course. Come on, God, do this for me." Instead, I pray, "What have you got going today, God? You love this world. You loved this world into life. You created this world. We're all yours. What's my part in the drama? What part do you want me to play? I will play any part you say. Want me to be a success? I'll be a success for you. Want me to be a failure? I'll fail for you. Whatever you want." [4]
So, do you believe that "God has a plan and it is better than yours"?
Every day we will answer that question by how we live.
Every day we will choose to live by our plan or God’s.
If God’s plan is better than ours, we should do our best to follow it.
• God has a plan and you’re in it
• God’s plan is better than ours
Will you take a few minutes to let me know how God is working in your life?
I will be happy to pray for you and send you some free resources to help you grow!
Just click here!
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God is working in your life. Keep asking, seeking, and knocking.
Until next time,
Click here to read Part Three of this series: "God Has a Plan - Even When Life Does Not Make Sense"
[1] Quote attributed to Woody Allen.
[2] Mark Bordeaux. "God Has a Plan and You're In It! (Part 1)." January 1, 2022, nhttps://www.lifeworthliving.today/post/god-has-a-plan-and-you-re-in-it
[3] Evidence the Bible is Inspired by God and without error in the original manuscripts will be addressed another time. In the meantime, you will find helpful information
[4] John Powell, "Prayer as Surrender," Preaching Today, accessed by subscription, January 7, 2022.