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Being a catalyst
An agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action[I]
[i]Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary, (Springfield, Mass: 2014).
We become a catalyst for Christ to bring change in our world when we:
Follow Christ (Mt. 4:19)
Love God (Mk. 12:30)
Love people (Mk. 12:31)
Make disciples (Mt. 28:19-20)
If you have made the choice to change – to do whatever it takes to join God in His work – we can help.
To our amazement, because of His grace and love, God chooses to work through people! If you are choosing to surrender to Him, He will work through you. We are here to help.
At Life Worth Living Ministries, we believe God has called us to be a catalyst for change in people and churches.
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